#wyvie star
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 1 year ago
@dragon-tailz 😇 Bim bam boom compliment me pleaaase~ ;P
you have such happy energy that reminds me of my brother’s jumpluff a bit. it always makes me want to hug you! and your little emoticons are always so cute and add to the conversation really well
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 11 months ago
awww, I didn’t know I was getting compliments! hehe thanks Wyvie, I love you lots as well!!! and you too Bede, I saw that “I agree” tag~
that reminds me, I was just thinking earlier about how we should hang out sometime! I could take you out for food or adventure or something :]
how do you feel about Starry?
I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE STARRYYYYY!!! Starry's my buddy. My mate. My pal. So happy we met, he's the coolest and I love them very much!! O(≧∇≦)O
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chaotically-coz · 2 months ago
being awake on tumblr when mostly everybody is sleeping feels so oddly lonely, but like- in a calming way?
its like being the last awake at a sleepover,
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a-stardusted-sky · 8 months ago
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Happy 2nd Anniversary Stargate! I drew Wyvie for @autumnleafdraws! I went insane doing all the water effects… may or not have crunched this in 2 days because I didn’t realize the deadline got pushed back LOL. It was a pleasure to draw them though! :D
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shinyshade8026 · 8 months ago
-Mod Cosmos
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 1 year ago
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I shoved just about everything into this guy and I love her. that’s me
M'sis just came up t'me laughin' her arse off, an' when I asked what was so funny, she showed me these:
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We're worms....
If anyone wants to join, here's the picrew link!:
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snowiwyvern · 1 year ago
intro post!
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hey im a digital artist and writer (ao3 acct) i tend to jump between fandoms, and may post ocs as well. feel free to call me wyvern (wyvie if we’re moots >:)). send asks they bring me joy.
also btw i reblog jjk manga spoilers and if you want to avoid them block #jjk spoilers. i also reblog tbhk manga spoilers, but those are not tagged
if youre a mutual youre welcome to dm me for my discord if you wanna chat 👍
main tags
#wyverndrawsthings - general art tag
#wyvernwritesthings - general writing tag
#wyvernsaysthings - just saying things yk
#reblog - reblogs what do you think
#moots stuff - this is like my fridge where i put reblogs of my mutuals like a proud parent. drop a like or reblog!
oc/au/whatever tags
#gembry - murder drone ocs, starring g the disassembly drone and embry the worker drone :>
#azalea’s garden - entirely oc stuff i need to post more about it :/
gembry guide
maggot's pride month art challenge 2024
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libidomechanica · 4 months ago
“That like Matisses Red Odalisque”
A limerick sequence
That like Matisse’s Red Odalisque. Even this first glimpse of the clean arm    as a feeste on the ear-    trumpet spake were won. He had left us rock. Make that’s her not.
In Cashmire have passionate tears therine, who would be soft poppy dream; and    the new moon sad Zephyrus!    The hart, he shatter, or anything line of Rosalend?
A bought, but not entented in oure fyr he fil bakward as well apayd?    All night, pardee! And kiss    here breast, is gains he canker- worm will dissembled: and of men.
None but may mend, and Phoebus’ golden field is a Lambe in arm: the whole hotbeds    in anger stole a    little ones I may nat lightness? As is a slaves in three days?
As Machiavel shows their likyng. And then a warlike lame by natures make.    Of our baskets his    delightingale shall men speken of man’s eye, that dandled you.
A squadron flies: her head a beam, and evening-star’s alarm. Has not an anti-    climax: ’Oh! Two people    lotted, or any lengthen found no sin: let thy might hand.
Until frustration, which yearly trouthe, I quitte hym wrong your mitt not the skies,    the through their full-brimm’d eye’s    sphere is not aided me to waited on a shield, bow-backed wave!
So said he, that first, your laws to mine eterne on lyve! To set up for as    he to make me also    mine. Sheikh, my only bear was, in groups on such a tale swete; fy!
Of food I thus for to wexe and come our fate and glittering left him back    shuddered, Grief. Wallet    interwetting Boy, sing. Than we hither drained of inclinations.
It seemed, or thre of tangled. Cynthia, queen Semiramis. My painful    is parted, as we may    add,—her years those Æols you will be a hymn loud as when you say?
While Psyche’s barbershop. Cheapening mucks and merry was she be fairer    fingers and taken winged    Death in hungry mortal mankynde broghte us with precision.
Black friend, by the laverock to me. A thing! ’ Long alters and their father    outward dislike or    suspicion. Sorrow from her hair. And thus to the Samaritan?
Dull with beauty scarce to vulgar thine happed me.—Of wasted on Nelly    Gray; so he wole, his    two clouds, for noon assayed at my poor breath comes to see you’ve told.
” Now raving the tombs worse—mankind, sing. A highest place. Juan was extremely    strict, a certain to    unsettled upon it take on both or none seem’d no worse of men.
Waiting year: so that wolde han to wyves have I said themselves. With music    we know, since golden orb    of pearl and shake a prophet, for hym maden sobb’d of horsemen.
But with grieved, but for him. Under if his chilly fingers, and then green led    through for hire for instancy.    He seyde that I really so, you’re right wel, the iolly sheep!
Has quite at hand what comest hope, was it chaste. For you walke as in a hurry,    and charming smile and    we touch of her rich in his bed-fellow, see, this soule was deede.
Just as a generacious as of autumn, in my head, and make. And ancient    Soil and listen; and    wriggle, but tugging on the hours: her heat, a breach by poesy.
By their pleased all the clean army here. —Blythe water—and a pose. Where happy    mother’s jest!-Throated once    last to such sang-froid, that keep putting on the grave any rest.
All phantasm! Love, hated, still for now I know, since she spak moore prefer    the force it of life with    fierce! Hair we sit on more last; and my hearts instead of Widdin.
My legs in Badajos’s break? That more than our fate I know whither that for    some might as oars and houndes,    the the gentlemen to such store all fancy will array?
The bold Churchman’s goal. His fires, and the caique was borne; now raving-wild, I curst    them, she laureate, made    it unto me, and yive it in almost Dionysian.
Quick apprentice Janekyn, for the stole my wild you with fullness. Had sunk    a flocculent dust and    tasting, burst the loved what no one month of thyng—of his wyvys!
To presumed, she supreme pearls to reduce his great coat should be had thee virtue    ebb’d, I knew it. In    writeth every wight make a highest place. Still morning, had been?
Through of heaven knows, whose rolling on the day be besprent a delight the    last thou, but scared juan among?    Oh but our own, deny not believe what of man’s sparkles!
So clear parley from reality. He rose, full fillèd all of songs we embrace!    But high hyll, the god    had faces in the grey pale, crawling up with cloth, and drunkard.
Came upon my friend, sighing, it must forests had caught an hard the Frere. Stand    on the hollows of them    up: she saw but saddest words awoke the day my horse: with mine?
They stung by your is gon. The rhyme obliges me writes to sit beneath have    the Sultan’s brows. But lessen    it should beard of flowers they lovėd me striped, and you, so long.
Just when natures, until that ech of phrase, which mixes up the Pope. As if    you love; while I loved a    pretty bud! Besides the clouds and written and to every deel!
Parent, receive a prison, and softening wings be devote this: each our    element of underneath    dark blue night which should not with greetings, what are greet chiertee!—Alas!
Were not speak to the armed man cast his lanterne; he nolde sho, that I shal laughed    at twelvemonth’s confide.    Of Autumn’s sight, to tinge, on earth was sent above all asleep?
Forgetting on her eyes are bow’d off, leaving yours shall its though not old, and    in proper wife. Will it    anything winds, but and so he grows pay these unhappy me!
And tantalizes long be here! Or any shoe, unless you wear your bodies    loste han myn herte is    not bend: the ground it in deep purple hue—cold dust and features!
Through her defensive war. Entice Janekyn, and warriors by his ill-    omened song, while Damon’s    ill please, was oure byrthe; deceite, what is bent, striking; a woman.
Why, all him, as an hooly seint sith that cypress Dian’s tear-floods, the feels more    law of nations, level,    by the doome. Her eye; for blood from book agayn. And isolate.
And fair and never quaft in heard, there is none can die. With answer forehead    past are clouds befringe thy    grief, bale, sorrow, wrath and season’d, as that water-land of men.
Law of all. She though his book off his legs were profanation of absence    liked me, how grew full of    piss are too this turn will claimant thy welked nekke be to me.
Where you with all morning; such as from the twilight across tables with you.    Thou shall our mad minstrelsy!    Two people to endure, and ben; Blythe in Glenturit glen.
Turning statut holding of hir owene thy beauty: perhaps we say—or,    as I was his song, and    tuneless from that he wende the blind and though it was accurst!
Sing met in awe: he saw with exemplary patience shows their dark creeping;    ah! Were seem best? A word,    by my feet. All pass mildly appalled. And bade adieu to all.
Not the great clog of the land! Of some little more in wondered if in your    reputation: he is    herte booties to match a glass of the blythe by the forever.
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 1 year ago
I agree with Wyvie, she’s very right!
I’d also like to add that the fact that you’re giving effort to being a better person (I already think you are a good person) shows that you have more conviction to be good than someone who’s already a good person and “good deeds” come easily to. the extra effort shows how much you want it. I think that kind of good person is just as, if not more, valuable than someone who was a good person from the get-go. not to mention that working to improve yourself is something good that all of us can do no matter who you are, and since you already do that you’ve got more practice, which is definitely a positive.
I already think you’re a good person and have thought that before we even met, so I think the people who are judging you for being manipulated in the past are frankly rather stupid. and the people who don’t care about your past mistakes or recognize that you aren’t that person anymore want to be your friend. I mean, you have so many people who interact with you on this blog, that has to show for something
and just so it’s completely clear, you being manipulated when you were a kid is never ever going to be your fault. maybe you were a bit mean besides, but I’d say you already made up for that bit based on how the people who knew you then are still your friends and I can tell they love you a lot. you’re also just a nice person besides, sure it might be in a bit of an unconventional way, but I love your witty remarks and matter-of-fact way of complimenting people. it feels more meaningful than the average nice words people say, to me at least.
💧 Have you ever thought about how no matter how much good you do everyone will always remember you for the horrible things you've said and done? How no matter how much you work on yourself nobody will ever be able to love you as much as they could love someone who's a good person naturally?
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 2 years ago
@dragon-tailz hypotheticallyyyyy if I were to make a minecraft server would you want to join?
oooo I’ve heard of that game! I’d play it if I could be guaranteed a cool avatar
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chaotically-coz · 2 months ago
merry christmas beloved mutual!!! i have stolen your toaster
jk i like to see your rps and its awesome to see cozmic is finally emerging from being kidnapped hell o7
also last time I used my toaster I started a fire and its broken now so..
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dragon-tailz · 11 months ago
Staraptor mail! A box wrapped with cutesy dragon type themed wrapping paper and tied shut with a ribbon. Inside is a life size crocheted plushie of a Gible, looking happy with its arms spread out.
In the bottom of the box is a letter, addressed to “Wyvie!! ♡” and sealed with a star sticker. The letter reads, “sorry for being a few hours late with your present! I fell asleep after finishing this guy. I hope you like him! happy birthday!!” in Starry’s handwriting. inside the envelope is also a page of dragon type pokemon stickers.
Starryyyyy!!! I love himmmm!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
[A picture of Starry's creation next to a crocheted goomy, the goomy nestled into the gible's outstretched arms]
He goes so nicely with the plushie Titania made me so I made them hug o( > ᗜ < )o ₊˚⊹♡
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 1 year ago
ohhh you’re here too, wyvie? I would say we should hang out but I have no idea where I am right now all I know is there’s a lot of people. you look like you’re having a whole lot of fun!!!
At Roxie's show with my cousin!!! (๑>ᴗ<๑) I'm so unbearably excited!!!!!! o(≧∇≦o)
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(//art by _tiara.amara_ on instagram)
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 11 months ago
birthday? might I ask when? >:)
Somebody give me the fnaf cookbook for my birthday so I can celebrate finally getting my cast off by baking a mediocre pizza
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 1 year ago
I’ll immediately gobble up anything with pecha berries in it! and I hope you feel better!!
Just started feeling super gutted for no reason so I'm gonna bake to feel better.
@ballonleastadiumofficial @hoppingwooloo @solitary-scales @starry-eyed-pkmnlvr @stow-on-side-ghosts @piers-official you lot want anything in particular?
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starry-eyed-pkmnlvr · 1 year ago
you should come to Kalos sometime after I go back! that way I can show you all the coolest spots >:]
Moomoo Cheese: Region you would like to visit?
Honestly? All of them, but most of all I've been wanting to go to Kalos for a long while now.
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